Emily in England

Hey Hey! Welcome to the wild world of Emily. You can come here and check me out living in "Her Britannic Majesty's realm of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"! That title for the UK is a direct quote from a good friend who's a bit particular about how one addresses his beloved country.

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Location: Bloomington, Indiana, United States

Wife, Mom, Follower of Jesus, Pursuer of Social Justice, and Recovering Racist.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Times, they are a changin'

Hello once again! i've been around the world (it seems) and back in less than a month and now i'm back in England and living in new (to me) house. After missing my flight Sun night (that's what happens when you're having too much fun with friends and get too used to relying on public transportation being reliable), i caught a later one and ended up safely home Mon evening. Which, despite being 12 hours later than orginally planned, was smoothly run.

Some highlights of the last month:

*In France for Christmas i caught a stomach flu off Cilla's adorable (tho perhaps not at the time) little niece. Needless to say i gained no weight from that Christmas dinner!
*Jenn, Cilla, and I enjoyed a great day and night in Liverpool, leaving a little pub to the astonishment and disgust of many avid football fans at half time during a liverpool match!! To add to the hillarity, Jenn had flown in that morning and was so tired she was actually falling asleep in the pub! The locals loved that one!
*Jenn and I hand fed some of the fattest squirrels and pigeons you've ever seen in Chester, after getting over the shock of charging squirrels (scarrier than you'd think, there were explicatives and jumping away)!
*I celebrated the new year English style in the wee town of Cockermouth, aka the 'mouth, which was cool cuz Jenn had the (dare i say) privilege of meeting Geoff and Rick, two kids you may remember from previous entries.
*I got to see two good friends get married at the beginning of Jan, which means getting to see loads of other friends i haven't seen in forever!
*I had a second Christmas in the states with my family and got some great gifts, plus got to hang with my families (yes there's more than one family that claims me :) ), always a blast!!
*I've moved into a new house a few streets away from my old one and it's still a bit of a construction zone, but should be nice when it gets all fixed up.

other than that, life goes on as normal. same business as always, but definitely a good business. just so you know i may not be publishing as often, tho i'll try, but i don't have internet at my new home. so if you don't see me online much, that's why! also, if you're reading this and you have a blog or website, please email me and give me your address so i can add it as a link, otherwise i'll never be able to check your site and that would just be sad!

i'm running out of time and i want to add a few pics, so i'll be leaving you now... take care!!


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