England...the picture of fogginess

believe it or believe it, this is my wee town of Penrith on Monday at 3:30 in the afternoon!! can you believe that?! 3:30!! it gets worse; it's completely dark by 5:30. sad i know. but the pic gives you a taste of what my hood looks like...pretty english huh? i must say, i like it.
anyway, life has been busy, but good. we had a fund raiser on Fri evening, it was a pudding night. not jello pudding, but dessert pudding :) you actually can't get jello pudding here unfortunately. i was very excited personally to have Mon off work for all but 1.5 hrs! which meant i could do all the mundane things of life, like going to the post office and the bank, which quaintly enough is only open Mon-Fri 9-5. not very convenient for anyone that works, but hey that's small town life for ya!! but back to my day's events, i also got to go the gym, which was nice cuz i had literally been to busy to go the whole week before and i got some shopping done! so all in all it was a great day!
as for now, i'm working, but not too hard and dog sitting! yep that cute little dog Maizie in an earlier picture is the one. Her owners are the people i'm staying with and they are enjoying a couple weeks in the states with Rachel's family for thanksgiving. she's made me realize i enjoy my freedom and selfishness way too much to want a pet of my own much less a child!! what solidified this decision you ask...when i realized i couldn't go out after church cuz i had to come home and walk the dog...yep, i then realized that to have a child meant giving up all freedom of what i wanted to do. some would argue there are other perks to balance out that sacrifice, but i'm not too sure...in case you're unsure of my level of seriousness on this topic, fear not, this is mostly said tongue in cheek!
my battery running out means i must bid you goodbye, but just for now
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