Half Term

...so aparently time does not stop to wait for you to catch up. i realize it's been nearly a month since i last updated you on how i'm doing and you've probably given up all hope of seeing anything new on here. i beg you, hang in there. i will try to be a bit more consistent in my updates. but life does get busy, so i apologize for my lack of perfection!
this past week was half term, which means no school for a week!! here they do school in 3 terms as opposed to our 2 semesters. it's basically year round school. its kinda nice knowing you'll have a week off every 6 weeks or so. although, like school, its never really a whole week off. there's always some homework to do! but no worries, i got lots of sleep in my efforts to keep my body healthy so as to fight off horrible English flu and cold bugs. the first few days of the break i spent out in cockermouth with the Bebbs (Bebbingtons), visiting and relaxing. i don't recall doing much at all, which is just how i wanted it! somewhere in the middle of the week i took a couple of girls to the "big city" of Carlisle, which is just 20 miles or so north of us, and is in all reality a far far cry from a big city...but compared to Penrith it's the place to be for shopping! it was good fun and i got a great pair of corduroy trousers (pants quite often means underwear here!) for under 5 pounds from H&M! i was super excited about that purchase. in fact i'm wearing them now! sad to say that was actually the highlight of my week. i did some work the rest of the week and of course slept in every day!
this week i'm back to work and at full speed! we have a camp this coming weekend called Contact and it's for years 7-10 (6-9th grade). We're doing lots of last minute planning for that and our running our usual schedule. please be praying for the kids coming on the weekend as many of them are not Christians. Pray for us leaders that we have wisdom and energy and love, especially towards the end of the weekend!! this is a great time to get to know new students better and deepen old relationships.
just for humors sake, here's a couple of pics of some guys i work with and one of me "rockin" out on the drums just before a youth event we did! take care, until next time...

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