
Welcome to my blog. This is all new to me, but should help keep you updated on what I'm doing here in England! My greatest recent accomplishment is having completely unpacked as of yesterday! It feels very nice to begin to get settled. My goals for the near future are getting a mobile phone set up and finding a permanent place to live. I would love your prayers in regards to these issues! I also just completed my whirl-wind tour of Scotland and had a lovely time. A lot of rain, but some great cities and sights. If you get the chance, I recommend visiting! Especially Edinburgh, a very cool city. Here are some pictures of the trip.
The school year begins for the kids on Monday and I'll update you sometime next week when i actually know more of what I'll be doing! As of right now my coworker is still on holiday with his family in Scotland. So next week we'll have LOTS of planning to do! Until then, take care!
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