Emily in England
Hey Hey! Welcome to the wild world of Emily. You can come here and check me out living in "Her Britannic Majesty's realm of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"! That title for the UK is a direct quote from a good friend who's a bit particular about how one addresses his beloved country.

About Me
- Name: EmilyC
- Location: Bloomington, Indiana, United States
Wife, Mom, Follower of Jesus, Pursuer of Social Justice, and Recovering Racist.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006

hi folks! not too much to say today. life is good, work is good, but nothing too extroidinary has happened as of late. i taught a few more brits how to line dance a couple weekends ago and we had a yummy chocolate night at CHOFHS youth club on thurs. i'm looking for a place to stay, so if you think about it please pray for me, it's not the easiest area to find cheap living! but in the meantime here's a pic of the view from my current residence. out the backdoor you can see the pennines in the distance and the castle ruins in the back right.
i hope you all are doing well. keep me updated! take care...