Emily in England

Hey Hey! Welcome to the wild world of Emily. You can come here and check me out living in "Her Britannic Majesty's realm of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"! That title for the UK is a direct quote from a good friend who's a bit particular about how one addresses his beloved country.

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Location: Bloomington, Indiana, United States

Wife, Mom, Follower of Jesus, Pursuer of Social Justice, and Recovering Racist.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


There are two people in my life that as of this weekend I feel obliged to introduce you to. Two lads, Geoff and Rick, have made a valient effort this weekend to make me feel special on my birthday. Some of you may know of them by their stage names, Jez and Nick. Geoff and Rick have distinguished themselves by inceasantly practicing poor American accents using catch phrases they've picked up off "Emily the American" as I'm known all over Cumbria (not kidding on that one).
As many of you may well know, I took a couple of kids to an all-nighter in Carlisle Cathedral this past Friday where food and fun were abundant, but the sleeping was needless to say elusive. After arriving home Sat morning just before 10:00, I proceded to take a long awaited nap! 5 hours later I arrose to head out west to the 'mouth as it is known by some, aka Cockermouth. There I was greeted by the wonderful Jane and Edward, who have become my UK mum and dad. After dinner the infamous Geoff and Rick made their appearance and after picking up Anna we were off to the bowling alley to do some long anticipated 10 pin bowling, as they call it! Unfortunately and despite my PE bowling class Geoff kicked butt on the lanes. With my head hanging in shame, we continued on to The Swan, a way typically English pub, and I tried my hand at darts. And once again the Americans lost to the English as Rick took the darts title. Having no mercy on me even though it was my birthday, I had to go home that night a non-winner (I can't bring myself to say the L word).
But Sunday dawned a brighter day as the Bebbingtons (Jane and Edward, though i suppose mostly Jane) threw me a birthday brunch. There were just under 10 of us, lots of good food, and a rousing round of pass the parcel! A favorite party game here, but a new one for the American. It's kinda like hot potato, but you pass around a parcel instead of a potato and when the music stops you take off a layer of the wrapping (there are many). The person who takes off the last layer of wrapping gets the parcel! I can see why kids would love it.
So though I couldn't be with my friends and family in the states to celebrate my birthday, know that there are good people here in England looking out for me. I can honestly say I feel blessed by them.

Friday, October 07, 2005

It's been a While...

I know it's been ages since i've updated you guys, but what can i say... life gets crazy! I'm practically an expert at driving now (at least enough so that they'll let me drive kids around!), i'm officially a UK resident with a bank account and a national insurance number, and the schools will now let me in by myself! They're really strick on who they'll let into schools for child safety reasons and you have to have back ground checks and all that fun stuff before they'll let you loose. The one thing i have yet to accomplish is a permanent place to live, but there is something in the wings that looks promising, so i'll let you know as soon as that works out!
Work is going well. I'm looking forward to starting off my birthday weekend with an all-nighter in Carlisle Cathedral with loads of school kids from all over Cumbria! 8pm-8am. Oh, it's gonna be a long weekend! I have some lovely friends from Cockermouth that are then taking me in for the weekend to help me celebrate my birthday. Some bowling and a birthday brunch are what appears to be on the agenda, should be good times.
I had my second youth group night with the older youth in Brough. If you don't know, i've been hired to lead a youth group called CHOFHS that's in this village of Brough. I've felt way over my head, as i've helped lots with youth work, but never been totally in charge of a group. You don't just plan events, you have to have a vision of what you want the group to become, where it's going...My continual prayer is that God would show me what His plans are for this group. Please feel free to pray that as well!
I hope this gives you a taste of what's going on in my life. I know it's not much, but until next time...